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Welcome to The Vitality Haven

The Vitality Haven offers complementary therapies to promote better health and wellbeing. Our goal is to help maximize your vitality! We are currently offering Reiki and Guided Imagery Sessions.

Think of The Vitality Haven as a beautiful, safe place you can come to get away from anything that may be causing you stress, worry, doubt, fear, or any other unwelcome feelings.

This is a place of comfort, relaxation and peacefulness. It’s like a spa for your mind! The complementary therapies we offer start out by taking you into a deep relaxation state, a place where healing can occur.

Currently Offering:

Reiki is a Japanese energy healing modality that helps your body re-balance itself and activates the parasympathetic nervous system to promote self healing. It is used for a variety of health purposes including stress relief, inducing relaxation, pain management, digestive issues, anxiety, depression and fatigue.

Guided Imagery is a proven relaxation technique where thoughts are purposely “re-directed” by visualization to achieve a desired outcome. (i.e. pain relief, reducing anxiety, relaxation, to promote healing).

Both Reiki and Guided Imagery have been proven in clinical studies to show improvement with numerous health conditions. To learn more, please take a look at our pages on Reiki and Guided Imagery or book a session today. We also offer Remote House Clearing services.


Many things happen in our lives that cause negative feelings and emotions. These thoughts tend to stay with us throughout the day and it can be difficult to change that way of thinking. It can also trigger the fight or flight response. This is an automatic physiological reaction to an event that is stressful or frightening. The stress those feelings produce can be detrimental to our health and too much stress can wear you down and make you sick, mentally and physically. It can contribute to a variety of health problems.

This is why self care and relaxation techniques are so important for our wellbeing. Reiki and Guided Imagery sessions are wonderful ways to improve your vitality to keep you feeling happy and healthy!

When you practice self care it re-vitalizes you inside and out. It triggers the relaxation response, which in turn, can prevent chronic stress from damaging your health. We become more resilient and better able to handle the stresses of life when we feel our best mentally, emotionally and physically. It boosts your mood, allows you to have more confidence, think clearly, improve your decision making, become a better caretaker for others and improves relationships with those around you.

We offer complementary therapies to help aid in your self care, in that quest for a happier, healthier you within mind, body and spirit! I’m happy you’re here and look forward to helping you in your quest!

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